Dédicace avec Camille Mauduech
Saturday 27 Fébruary 2016

Signature with director Camille Mauduech for the release of her DVD
 "CHALVET, la conquête de la dignité",
starting 3pm at Boutique Laterit
(9 Rue de Terre-neuve 75020 Paris)
 Afficher l'image d'origine
Martinique, 14 February 1974. At Chalvet, in the north of Martinique, one hundred laborers on strike are sprayed with tear gas, surrounded by fourteen trucks of mobile guards, grounded by a helicopter shooting at sight. The versions differ and are discussed. This strike is suspected of being led by leftists, who, usurping the place of the unions, are treating the economic and political stability by manipulating the peasantry. One dead, four seriously wounded by gunfire and dozens injured put an end of the story of the strike.

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